Back pain, affecting millions of people, is called the “ill of the century”. Its causes can be both physical and psychological.
Physical causes
Back pain has multiple origins. It can be trauma (shocks, fractures, sprains), repeated gestures that wear out prematurely (torsions, etc.), osteoarthritis, but also cancerous, infectious or inflammatory diseases. In 90 to 95% of cases, the origin of the pain is not identified and we speak of “common or non-specific spinal pain”. The pain then comes, in most cases, from lesions in the intervertebral discs or vertebral osteoarthritis, that is to say wear of the cartilage of the joints.
In 5 to 10% of cases, back pain is linked to a potentially serious underlying disease, which must be diagnosed early, such as cancer, infection, ankylosing spondylitis, cardiovascular or pulmonary problem, etc. . It is therefore essential to take your back pain seriously and consult your doctor for a diagnosis.
Back pain, the pain that says...
“To have your back full”, this well-known expression refers to the fed up experienced in a given situation and shows that back pain does not necessarily have only a mechanical origin. Although the direct link between mental and physical has never been clearly proven concerning back pain, it is however established that people suffering from depression feel pain more intensely than people without depression.
Depressive disorders have thus been associated with the risk of chronic low back pain. Similarly, a stressed mind creates muscle tension which can, in the long term, take on significant proportions, causing physical disorders including back pain. This then becomes a source of anxiety which only fuels the initial stress: the vicious circle then sets in….
A pain that should to consider
In any case, back pain should not be taken lightly. It constitutes an alarm signal, an “overflow” whether on the physical or psychic level. Rest, mental and physical, is essential. Breathing exercises should be practiced as well as gentle activities such as yoga, walking or swimming to promote relaxation and muscle relaxation while sheathing the back to make it stronger.